ethnicity and crime statistics uk 2020

These proportions were similar to those of the ethnic breakdown of the prison population. In addition, the annual report from the Head of Profession to the National Statistician will: Provide information on how many revisions were required to our publications and the reasons for these. The ACSL for indicatable offences[footnote 44] has gradually increased over the past 5 years, from 19.0 months in 2016 to 21.0 months in 2020[footnote 45]. There were statistically significant decreases in the number of victims for personal crimes since 2015/16 in the Black (from 7% to 4%) and Asian (from 4% to 2%) ethnic groups. Figure 7.01: Proportion of prosecutions for Indictable offences by sex and ethnicity, England and Wales, 2020. Of all offenders sentenced in 2020, the most common outcome was a fine, at 38%. Office for National Statistics (UK), Number of homicides in England and Wales from 2009/10 to 2020/21 ethnic appearance of victim . This article presents research into a method for producing population estimates by ethnic group and by religion, combining Annual Population Survey (APS) and census data. All results relate to England and Wales unless explicitly stated otherwise. In the three-year period from 2017/18 to 2019/20, the most frequent location for homicides with White or Asian victims was in and around the house (53% and 41%, respectively), whereas those with victims from Black or Other ethnic groups were more likely to take place on the street (including footpaths/alleyways; 60% and 48%, respectively). As this data is now several years old it may not accurately represent the distribution of ethnic groups in the population, particularly for children when comparing to 2018 CJS figures. These data can be found in our Crime in England and Wales: year ending September 2020 release. This section looks at the proportion of determinate[footnote 50] sentence served[footnote 51]. , Chinese or other combines the following categories from the published criminal history pivot table for 2020 Q4; Chinese or Japanese or S E Asian, and Middle Eastern. A higher custody rate, however, was seen in the Chinese or Other group (36%). , Data for stop and searches is published by Home Office in Stop and search open data tables, Stop and searches under s60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 accounted for approximately 1% of all stop and searches (s1 and s60) in the latest year. Concordance rates for all PSR figures can be found in the defendants tables (5.14b)[footnote 41]. Over the last 5 years, there has been a decrease in the proportion of stop and searches conducted on Black individuals in London, from 36% in 2016/17 to 32% in 2020/21. It examines offenders' characteristics as reported by . By ethnicity and socio-economic group. Figure 3.02: Homicides currently recorded by location of homicide and ethnic appearance of victim: England and Wales, combined data for 2017/18 to 2019/20. In 2020/21, 43% of all stop and searches (where ethnicity is known) were conducted in London and involved higher proportions of persons searched from minority ethnic groups when compared to the rest of England and Wales (Figure 4.02). The total number of stop and searches, where ethnicity was known, increased between 2017/18 (266,000) and 2020/21 (557,000). To avoid inconsistency in the length of their offending histories, for those with an academic year of 2008/09 their offending data has been considered up to 31 August 2016 and for those with an academic year of 2009/10 it has been considered up to 31 August 2017. Of those who received a suspended sentence order, higher proportions of White and Mixed ethnicity offenders received rehabilitation requirements[footnote 60], whereas higher proportions of Black, Asian and Chinese or Other ethnicity offenders received unpaid work requirements. Postal Point 10.31, Floor 10. The greatest disparity appears at the point of stop and search, custodial remands and prison population. Of offenders receiving either type of order, 84% were White, 6% Black, 5% Asian, 3% Mixed ethnic groups and 1% Chinese or Other ethnic groups. So 61% of the population is committing 58% of the violent crimes, so the math lines up. , Overall pupil population referring to cohort 2014/15. This includes putting more information in the public domain with ethnicity breakdowns, the use of the Relative Rate Indexes[footnote 6] where appropriate and a focus on outcomes for children distinct form the adult population. For more information on stop and search legislation, please see the accompanying guidance document. Sharp and Budd (2005) noted that the 2003 offending, crime and justice survey of 12,000 people found that whites and mixed ethnicity were more . These data are based on the ONS headcount specification and may differ from other published figures due to differing specifications. The equivalent proportion for White defendants was 27%. In 2020, the ethnic group with the highest ACSL for sexual offences was Black, at 67.3 months, and the lowest the Asian group at 51.6 months. Controlling for offence mix between ethnic groups also impacted on custody rates. In contrast, fewer Black (15%), Mixed (18%) and Asian (20%) prisoners reported bullying/victimisation from other prisoners, compared to prisoners from White (23%) and Other ethnic groups (24%). The CSEW is a large nationally representative survey that asks people about their experience as a victim of a crime in the previous 12 months. , The Police National Computer has a 6+1 ethnicity classification. This was the only region in which homicide victims were more likely to be from the Black ethnic group (42%), followed by White ethnic group (40%). The Ministry of Justice would welcome any feedback on the content, presentation or on any other aspect of this bulletin we can be contacted through: Outcomes for minority ethnic children are often more pronounced than White children at various points of the CJS. Differences observed may indicate areas worth further investigation but should not be taken as evidence of bias or as direct effects of ethnicity. Higher proportions of staff and practitioners in more senior roles were White for all organisations, when compared to the ethnic breakdowns of less senior staff[footnote 100]. The largest proportion of crime higher workload is for offences which can be tried either before the magistrates court or the Crown Court, at 50% overall where ethnicity is known in 2020 and ranged between 46% and 52% when broken down by ethnic group. We have crudely attempted to control for different offence mixes across ethnic groups by applying a similar pattern of offences being sentenced across all ethnic groups, fixing this to the White group. When offence mix was controlled for, a decrease in ACSL was seen for all ethnic groups, closer to that of the White ethnic group. In the three-year period 2017/18[footnote 13] to 2019/20, there were 1,951[footnote 14] homicides in the Home Office Homicide Index[footnote 15], where ethnicity of the victim was recorded. (FBI Table 21 Arrests by Race and Ethnicity, 2016 / archive) 2016 FBI Violent Crime Statistics 477 485-8 515-38. Individuals from the Black ethnic group were proportionally less likely to be sentenced to immediate custody in 2020. Where differences are not referred to as being statistically significant these are either not statistically significantly different, or differences have not been tested. Individuals from the Black ethnic group also had the lowest proportion of suspended sentences, at 14% in 2020. Proportions of defendants prosecuted for production, supply and intent to supply varied by year, with Black, Asian and Mixed defendants accounting for the highest proportions of defendants for Class A drugs (each 30% in 2020), while the Chinese or Other ethnic group accounted for t The proportion of White victims decreased by 7 percentage points (pp) since the previous three-year period (2014/15 to 2016/17), with corresponding increases in the proportions of victims from Black (up 3pp), Asian (up 2pp), and Other (up 2pp) ethnic groups. Government data about the UK's different ethnic groups. In line with previous years, Black defendants continued to serve a greater proportion of their original determinate sentence in custody (67% in 2020) when compared with Mixed (66%) White (60%), Asian (58%) and prisoners from Other ethnic groups (58%). However, for White suspects, the proportion of arrests for drug offences (10%), was exceeded by the proportion of arrests for theft offences (14%). Crimes involving multiple assailants, 43% of the assailants were Black, 38% were white, and 16% were Hispanic. The Black ethnic group had the highest proportion of defendants remanded in custody, at 52%, whereas the White ethnic group had the lowest, at 36%. Custody rates have largely converged across ethnic groups between 2016 and 2019. Over half of young offenders sentenced or cautioned had SEN. The guilty plea rate (GPR) of defendants who were committed for trial at Crown Court increased across all ethnic groups from 2018-2020. Convictions across indictable offence groups varied between ethnic groups in 2020, with drug offences accounting for the highest proportion of offenders within each ethnic group except for White offenders, where the highest proportion of convictions was for theft offences. This section focusses on disaggregating the outcomes that are a result of a professional judgement (i.e. , Excludes declarations of prefer not to say. Figure 6.03: Average proportion of determinate sentence served in custody, by ethnicity, England and Wales, 2016 to 2020. 102 Petty France. , New methodology introduced in the 2015/16 cohort, used to measure proven reoffending, reduced twelve-monthly cohort to a three-monthly cohort and changed data source following probation services reforms. In most instances data are presented in terms of calendar years (up to 2020) and financial years (up to 2019/20), reflecting the reporting cycles and data collection of the agencies contributing information for this publication. This was followed by defendants from the Chinese or Other ethnic groups (16%), Asian defendants (14%), Mixed defendants (12%) and White defendants (12%). For those sentenced to custody, where there are differences between groups that are statistically significant to the 95% level, this will be stated. Figure 6.04: Outcomes of Parole Board hearings, year ending March 2021, England and Wales, by ethnicity. Fast Forward to the 21st century, and the criminological debate about race and crime now centred on the involvement of Black young people in street gangs. The proportion of offender reoffending by age was highest for those aged 18 to 20 for Black, Asian and Other offenders. Since 2016, White defendants have had a consistently lower average custodial sentence length (ACSL) than other ethnic groups. To meet these commitments, all of our statistical publications will: Ensure that the need for major revisions for any series are pre-announced on the Ministry of Justice website. That's 327.21% higher than the national rate of 387.8 per 100,000 people. Principal suspects in homicides with all other ethnicities were most likely to be a stranger (Black 43%, Asian 28%, Other 65%). A larger proportion of arrests in London were for suspects from minority ethnic groups, at 55%, compared to 16% across the rest of England and Wales. The reoffending rate of adults was highest for those aged 18-20 for ethnic minority groups. London. Together, these five offence groups equate to 97% of all prosecutions and convictions for indictable drug offences where ethnicity is known. The average number of days spent at court (from first listing in magistrates courts to completion in Crown Court) for defendants dealt with in Crown Court cases varies across ethnicities. In 2020, Black and Mixed ethnic groups were particularly overrepresented in the proportion of prosecutions for possession of weapons offences, this has remained largely unchanged from 2016. These provide criminologists, the police and the media with two types of data. Figure 7.08: Proportion of young offenders matched to a KS4 attainment record in academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15, by ethnicity, in England (Source: Table 7.1 and Table CH1). We are trialling the publication of this statistical bulletin in HTML format alongside the usual PDF version and we are seeking user feedback on the use of HTML for the publication of statistical bulletins. This is an increase of 5 pp since 2019; a difference likely due to the prioritisation of non-jury trials as a result of COVID-19 restrictions . Whilst the reoffending rate for Black offenders was highest, White reoffenders had the highest average number of reoffences per reoffender at 4.1 reoffences. And I must say this is a thoroughly depressing trend, as the last time I updated this it was '6 times' more likely, so the disproportion in stop . While the statistics recorded the instances of . Periodically, political and media discourse focuses on the myth of 'Black on Black crime', or the supposed threat of young Black men to safety of the presumed law-abiding majority. To allow users to assess the confidence they have in the data we are using, levels of missing or unreported ethnicity are reported throughout. ACSL for possession of weapons offences decreased, between 2016 and 2020, for all ethnic groups except Mixed, decreasing the largest for Asian and Black offenders. Ethnicity 9 2.2 Arrests 9 2.3 Transferred or cancelled records 12 Outcomes 12 2.4 Trends over time 13 2.5 Police Force Areas (PFA) 15 2.6 London 17 Will McMahon and Rebecca Robert The identification of differences should not be taken as evidence of bias or as direct effects of ethnicity. It published the data today in new crime figures showing there were 695 homicides in the year . In 2020/21, White suspects accounted for 76% of arrests, 10% were for Black suspects, 8% were for Asian suspects, 4% were for Mixed ethnicity suspects and 2% were for Other ethnicity suspects. This chapter provides statistics relating to offenders in custody or under supervision in the community. Published by D. Clark , Feb 10, 2022. This trend is similar across all disposal types. This section looks at the Pre-Sentence Reports (PSRs) received and the agreement (concordance) between recommendations made in PSRs and sentences issued at court, and whether they differ between ethnic groups. The level of crime in Scotland has fallen in recent years with 246,516 crimes recorded by the police in 2019/20. Across all minority ethnic groups, the most common reason for arrest was violence against the person, followed by drug offences. In the latest year, the Other ethnicity for children had the highest average number of reoffences per reoffender at 4.5, followed by White (4.1), Black (3.5), and Asian (3.4) average number of reoffences. Data Access and Compliance Unit. Asian prisoners, on average, served the smallest proportion of their original sentence, serving 58% of their determinate sentence in custody in 2020; a trend that has remained stable since 2016. In 2020, the custody rate was relatively stable across ethnic groups, between 24 and 26%. Where possible, this report takes into consideration the recommendations of the Lammy Review (a 2017 independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the criminal justice system). , Ethnicity was known for 99.29% of prisoners in England and Wales on 30th June 2020. The latest data available during the compilation of this report have been included. Compared to ethnic minority groups, White clients had a higher proportion of representation at committals for sentence at 22%, whereas 15% of Asian and Black clients and 16% of Mixed were represented at committals. This publication is available at It is the Ministry of Justices responsibility to maintain compliance with the standards expected for National Statistics. Single Parent Families are more common among African-Caribbean Families, which may be related to higher rates of crime In 2007 Almost half the black children in Britain were being raised by single parents. This highlights that controlling for offence mix reduces the disparity between ethnic groups. The British Crime Survey found that most crimes go unreported and found that the risk of being a victim varies by ethnic group, whereby statistics showed that people from mixed ethnic backgrounds had a higher risk (36%) of becoming a victim of rime than blacks, Asians and whites faced. In 2020, sexual offences accounted for 4% of all prosecutions for indictable offences; this has remained broadly stable across the last 5 years. In 2020, 32% of children in prison were Black despite Black prisoners accounting for only 13% of the entire prison population. , Where ethnicity and protected characteristic was known, not controlling for offence mix. Graham and Bowling (1995) Found that blacks (43%) and whites (44%) had similar and almost identical rates of crime, but Asians actually had lower rates (Indians- 30%, Pakistanis-28% and Bangladeshi-13%). The largest increases . There was a greater number of male than female homicide victims in all ethnic groups. Within this update we committed to better addressing inequalities in victimisation and highlighting those groups in society that are at most risk of experiencing crime. . In 2020, the ethnic group with the highest concordance rate with their PSR for immediate custodial sentences was the Mixed ethnic group, at 89%; this has remained consistent since 2018. * Possession (Class B, cannabis) Almost three quarters (1,405 or 72%) of all homicide victims (where ethnicity was known) over the three-year period were from the White ethnic group. In 2020/21, two thirds (66%) of children arrested in London were from minority ethnic groups, compared to 20% of children arrested in the rest of England and Wales. Racial discrimination in America has a significant implication on crime in the region. Where changes to data systems or data quality issues do not allow for this, trends have been presented for the longest periods possible. , Offences recorded as homicide as at 15 December 2020; figures are subject to revision as cases are dealt with by the police and by the courts, or as further information becomes available. Controlling for offence mix across ethnic groups showed reduced disparity in Average Custodial Sentence Lengths and Custody Rates. A higher proportion of White offenders had a long history of offending, 35% of White offenders had 15 or more previous convictions or cautions, compared to Black offenders at 26%, Asian offenders at 16% and Chinese or Other at 9%, for adults [footnote 67]. The lower ACSL for White defendants may be a result of a higher percentage of guilty plea rates for this ethnic group, resulting in shorter custodial sentences. In 2020, 70% of defendants were from the White ethnic group, 17% Black ethnic group, 7% Asian ethnic group, 5% Mixed and 2% Chinese or Other. Analysis of offender characteristics such as SEN and FSM is also based on academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15. * Production, supply, intent to supply (Class A) The highest proportion of offender with SEN with statement was highest for the White ethnic group (18%) and the highest proportion of offenders with SEN without statement was highest for the Other ethnic group (68%)[footnote 76]. Billy Gazard, a crime statistician for the ONS, said: "We have outlined our plans for improving crime statistics for England and Wales in our July 2020 progress update. The proportion of White, Black and Asian offenders that received an oral parole hearing in the year ending March 2021 remained relatively stable with a range of 54-57% receiving a release result, 11-12% remain in open prison estate, and 30-35% refusal of release. theories are . , More information of ethnic group classifications can be found in Appendix I, Officer identified ethnicity can refer to ethnicity recorded by any third party, such as a police officer, clerk or a member of the data entry team. , The Homicide in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics ( publication utilises 2016 population estimates to derive homicide rates relative to the population. Figure 7.09: Proportion of young offenders matched to a KS4 academic year of 2013/14, 2014/15, known to be eligible for Free School Meals by ethnicity, in England (Source: Table 7.2 and Impact Indicator 3.8)[footnote 74], Special Educational Needs (SEN)[footnote 75]. The ACSL was longest for Chinese or Other offenders at 14.7 months, followed by Black at 13.7 months, Mixed 13.2 months, Asian 12.1 months and White 10.6 months. In 2020, Black offenders made up 32% of the prison population for under-18-year olds, despite accounting for only 13% of the whole prison population. Drug offences vary both in nature and severity. Conversely, higher proportions of clients from ethnic minority groups received representation for indictable trials at 30% for Asian, 36% for Black and 36% for Mixed compared to 27% for White. The proportion of police officers from minority ethnic groups has increased from 6.3% to 7.6% between 2017 and 2021[footnote 95]. The ACSL for Asian children was 20.6 months, 18.2 months for Black children and 18 months for Chinese or Other children. Press enquiries should be directed to the Ministry of Justice press office: Other enquiries about these statistics should be directed to the Data and Evidence as a Service division of the Ministry of Justice: Damon Wingfield, Responsible Statistician and Head of Criminal Justice System Statistics A decline in custody rate was observed in 2020, likely a result of the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on courts and the prioritisation of non-jury trials . Indicate areas worth further investigation but should not be taken as evidence of bias or as direct effects ethnicity! This report have been presented for the longest periods possible all minority groups. Supervision in the defendants tables ( 5.14b ) [ footnote 50 ] sentence served [ footnote 50 ] sentence in! Do not allow for this, trends have been presented for the longest periods.. The standards expected for National Statistics results relate to England and Wales, by ethnicity England! 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ethnicity and crime statistics uk 2020