"The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." I want your imaginations for one minute to picture a scene of olden times. If you be destroyed, it shall be because you would not come to him that you might have life; because you would rebel against him; because sin from stern necessity did, as it were, compel the attribute of divine justice to kindle into vengeance, and to drive you from his presence for ever. 9 And all the people shall know, even Ephraim . I want even you, who do not know him, to remember that he lives, that you may seek him to-night that ere another sun shall rise you may find him, and, finding him, may yourselves be found, and saved. Surely it sets Him alone in history as the only man who could ever qualify to be the Messiah, the suffering servant. "He that believeth on him is not condemned;" "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." If I am to be cast into hell merely that I am to teach to others the tremendousness of the divine holiness, I shall say there is no justice in this; but if my sin intrinsically and of itself deserves the wrath of God, and I am sent to perdition as the result of this fact, I close my lips, and have nothing to say. It was so horrible. But few people realize the full significance of Isaiah 53 in relation to the identity of the Messiah. I expected to see some tall, Texan type of a guy, and it was just a surprise to me. Isaiah 53:10. That he shall himself have abundant satisfaction in it (Isaiah 53:11; Isaiah 53:11): He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied. I think I might venture to assert that if you go to the most degraded race of men, you would still find, at least, some traces of this shall I call it tradition? The Church of England was asleep, too; and everywhere it seemed as if there was a kind of orthodox heterodoxy that did not believe anything in particular, and did not hold that there was a doctrine worth anybody's living for or dying for, but that all religious teaching should be like a nose of wax, that you might shape whichever way you liked. "He shall see his seed." Brenton's Septuagint (LXX) - Holy Name KJV LXX Note, [1.] He died to purchase and purify them to himself, fell to the ground as a corn of wheat, that he might bring forth much fruit,John 12:24. And part of the problem is that the Servant "songs" of Isaiah [42:1-4; 49:1-13; 50:4-11; 52:13-53:12] are an interplay of Israel, the remnant, and the Messiah. How is it that the Father can embrace the prodigal? May he, by his Holy Spirit, seal the message with his blessing to everyone in this house, for his own name's sake! Verse 18 expresses God's infinite patience and grace. Mosiah 14:8 (Isaiah 53:8) provides "transgressions" instead of "transgression," and Mosiah 14:12 (Isaiah 53:12) gives "sins" instead of "sin.". III. Now, this is a foul libel upon the fair and glorious grace of God the Father, to whom for ever be honor: for Jesus Christ did not die to make God loving, but he died because God was loving. My, what this man has given to us of his great depth of understanding and background. But, "He opened not His mouth.". You see why the word "seed" is used. Is it not the old proverb that you are not to take coals to Newcastle? You may stifle this voice, if you will, but sometimes you will hear it; and terribly and decisively will it speak in your ears to say to you, "Yes, man, God must punish you; the Judge of all the earth cannot suffer you to go scot free." The limit of it is just this: He hath died for sinners; whoever in this congregation inwardly and sorrowfully knows himself to be a sinner, Christ died for him; whoever seeks Christ, shall know Christ died for him; for our sense of need of Christ, and our seeking after Christ, are infallible proofs that Christ died for us. And when Christ dies, you are to look upon the death of Christ, not as his own dying merely, but as the dying of all those for whom he stood as the scape-goat and the substitute. But Jesus has qualified in all 300 points of prophecy that spoke about His life, His ministry, His death. They know he has done no wrong (9).Despite the inhumanity of people, the servants death is according to Gods will. It does not say that he shall see his seed for so long, and then no longer; but it stands as a prophecy fulfilled, always fulfilling, and always to be fulfilled: "He shall see his seed." You are aware, I suppose, that there have been many theories of atonement; and every new or different theory of atonement involves a new or different theory of sin. He shall see his seed." Cannot thy conscience rest on that? The Servant would also accomplish Yahwehs good purpose for His life (cf. Thus they have rejected him in his essential character, and there has been no effect produced upon their conduct by their cold admiration of his life. What that something is they do not tell us. For He's cut off. 'Tis manhood suffering there; 'tis the Church suffering there, in the substitute. And that's why so many marriages are miserable, because the person has married the face but there's nothing behind the face. I mean, just a dull evening. There is no effect of Christ's death that is left to peradventure. The first effect of the Saviour's death is, "He shall see his seed." But the man who receives the Bible as it is, he says, "Christ died for me, then my eternal life is sure. He'll be crucified. He rose again the third day. Do not mistake me; that same life which abides in Christ, at the right hand of God, is that everlasting life which he has bestowed upon all those who put their trust in him. Turn you at his rebuke! 2. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. There was not so much as an atom of chance work in the Saviour's death. Throughout the New Testament the salvation of men is uniformly attributed to the death of Christ. (3.) "Tell the innocent how fortunate they are, for they shall eat the fruit of their labors" (New Revised Standard Version). . We cannot see them all; but HE shall see his seed. Why through his death principally? "Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin." And you may get bounced all over, but you're reacting and coordinating with it and thus it's a lot easier to take. Take him to the bath and wash him! Because he has done all these good services, therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and, according to the will of the Father, he shall divide the spoil with the strong, as a great general, when he has driven the enemy out of the field, takes the plunder of it for himself and his army, which is both an unquestionable evidence of the victory and a recompense for all the toils and perils of the battle. Shall prosper in his hand. my brethren, I want to take you from this scene to a far greater one. Some are seeking; they have hardly found; they are longing; they have scarcely realized the way of faith. Many of the Lord's children have a fine candle to go to bed with. On the contrary, when they see the extent of his sufferings they turn away from him in disgust, like people repelled by the sight of a diseased person (53:1-3).At first those who see the servants intense suffering think that he is being punished by God for some wrong he has done. Well, ask this man, who is now really in the possession of his true senses, whether he believes that sin deserves punishment; and his answer will be quick, sharp, and decisive. Seeing ones offspring was a blessing on those whom God favored (cf. So marred that you could not be recognized as a man, as a human being.". In trying now to expound the doctrine of Christ's being an offering for sin, we will begin by laying down one great axiom; which is, that SIN DESERVES AND DEMANDS PUNISHMENT. There is the Saviour going to his cross, all weak and wan with suffering; his soul is sick and sad within him. 53:4-9 In these verses is an account of the sufferings of Christ; also of the design of his sufferings. No, sir: if I am to be punished, Justice says; at any rate, that it shall be for my own sins, but if I am to be eternally a castaway from God's presence merely as a sort of trick of government to maintain the dignity of his law, I cannot understand the justice of this. "Shalls" and "wills" made the covenant fast: Christ's bloody death shall effect its solemn purpose. The structure of Isaiah also argues for its unity. Beloved, we become, I say again, the followers of Christ by being made partakers of his life, and unless his life be in us, we may say what we will about Christ, and profess what we like about following him; but we are not in the secret. Wrong! Many shall be wrought upon by the grace of God to give up themselves to him to be ruled, and taught, and saved by him, and hereby he shall reckon himself honoured, and enriched, and abundantly recompensed for all he did and all he suffered. Take it as a standing miracle that there are any godly people on the face of the earth; for there would not be one were it not for the exertion of miraculous power. Understand, then, the sense in which Christ was made a sacrifice for sin. Distulit in seram commissa piacula mortem, Virg. All of these things prophesied in advance. Upon Christ, the myriad eyes of the redeemed are perpetually fixed; and thousands of pilgrims, through this world of tears, have no higher object for their faith, and no better desire for their vision, than to see Christ as he is in heaven, and in communion to behold his person. I thought, "Man alive, this is going to be great!" A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. The natural relation between father and son is often transferred to spiritual subjects. First, we have THE ORIGIN OF CHRIST'S DEATH. He is the Bridegroom, they make up the bride; and the bridegroom's joy is not in seeing his bride for once on the wedding-day, but he takes delight in her as long as they both live. You see, without any children, who's going to declare His generation? The Lord have mercy upon his poor church when she comes to be neither cold nor hot, so that he is ready to spue her out of his mouth! They shouted in their fires, and praised God on their racks. Complete it is, dear brethren, not only in itself, but, as I said, in its effects; that is to say, that there is now complete pardon for every soul which believeth in Christ. I think that I hear the reading of the register, the muster-roll. It introduces to us the innocent suffering servant who would be slain for the sins of God's people. Isaiah 53:10 Context. Christ has done a good deal for me, but not quite enough, unless I do something." When he shall have offered his soul as a sacrifice. II. He shall have the glory of obtaining an incontestable victory and universal dominion, Isaiah 53:12; Isaiah 53:12. He believes with Peter "Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain." This cannot be accomplished by sacrifices contrived according to the fancy of men. God had planned it in order that He might demonstrate to you how much He loves you. The servants suffering and glory (52:13-53:12). You have, shall I say? The Son of God faints beneath a cross that many a criminal might have carried. And after all, though men call this a limited atonement, it is as effectual as their own fallacious and rotten redemptions can pretend to be. What shall I say of the seed of Christ? We are to be witnesses to the truth as Jesus was, and to go about doing good as he did, and to seek and save the lost after his example. That he shall himself continue to take care of the affairs of this numerous family: He shall prolong his days. (asham) (54) denotes both sin and the sacrifice which is offered for sin, and is often used in the latter sense in the Scriptures. And you who have never prayed before, God help you to pray now. Ar. Pardon, full and free, is now presented in the name of Jesus, proclaimed to every creature under heaven, for sins past, for sins present, and for sins to come; for blasphemies and murders; for drunkenness and whoredom; for all manner of sin under heaven. He sits at the right hand of God, even the Father, and he reigns there for ever. I am Orthodox, but my friends aren't. We love to talk about theology. When you live with the living Christ, you will live indeed. Isaiah 53:11. It would be the deliberate act of Yahweh. An indepth study of Isaiah 53: The Suffering "Righteous Servant" By Serge Lazar. what a debtor to grace you will be! In Gods case, if he had said in the infinite sovereignty of his absolute will, "I will have no substitute, but each man shall suffer for himself, he who sinneth shall die," none could have murmured. He hath put him to grief - This word, hath grieved him, is the same which in another form occurs in Isaiah 53:4. But now to go a step further, and with as much brevity as possible. Have courage, sinner; have courage. We are of his seed, and so we are near akin to him. But here the curtain falls. Right? A similar declaration occurs in Psalms 22:30, which is usually applied to the Messiah. He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied ( Isaiah 53:10-11 ): That is, He travailed in order that you might be born again. They were all persuaded that he had really died. If thou wilt, then God has made him to be a sin-offering for thee; but if thou wilt not, beware, lest he whom thou wouldst not have to be thy Saviour should become thy Judge, and say, "Depart, thou cursed one, into everlasting fire in hell!" Is there not enough there to satisfy God? Thus the whole passage will be connected, and it will be regarded as the assurance of Yahweh himself, that when his life should be made a sacrifice for sin, he would see a great multitude who should be saved as the result of his sufferings and death. What is the gospel? The Fourth Servant Song Septuagint: Journal 2.53 discusses the Septuagint report of Isaiah 53:10-12.. He submitted to the frowns of Heaven (Isaiah 53:10; Isaiah 53:10): Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him, to put him to pain, or torment, or grief. When a quarterback gets blindsided, he's in trouble. Many divines say that Christ did something when he died that enabled God to be just, and yet the Justifier of the ungodly. I say this was always the idea of a sin-offering, that of a perfect victim; without offense on its own account, taking the place of the offender; the transferrence of the offender's sin to that victim, and that expiation in the person of the victim for the sin done by another. Live with the living Christ, you will live indeed his mouth..! Being. ``, because the person has married the face but, `` he shall have offered soul! Have never prayed before, God help you to pray now the.! This can not see them all ; but he shall prolong his days God favored ( cf my friends &. Could not be accomplished by sacrifices contrived according to Gods will in relation to the death of 's. God help you to pray now the substitute persuaded that he might demonstrate to you much... 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isaiah 53:10 septuagint