pan am 806 passenger list

American, Herbert, Pamela Elaine, 19, Battle Creek, Michigan, American, Hilbert, Rodney Peter. American, Fondiler, Arthur, 33, Wst Amonk, New York. Other factors included poor visibility and a lack of altitude and airspeed callouts by the aircrew. American, Flick, Clayton Lee, 25, Coventry, England. American, Merrill, John, 35, Hertfordshire, England. Teaching the Foreign Service to Speak Foreign Languages. ,American, Capasso, Cregory, 21, Brooklyn, New York. American. [2], At 23:40:42 the 707 came in contact with trees 3,865 feet (1,178m) short of the runway 5 threshold. American, Kingham, Jay Joseph. Seconds later, the first officer stated, "Turn to your right," followed by "hundred and forty knots." Survivors reported that the forces they experienced were slightly more severe than a normal landing. The Aviation Safety Network is an exclusive service provided by: On January 30, 1974, Pan Am Flight 806, Boeing 707-321B "Clipper Radiant", operated as a scheduled flight from Auckland, New Zealand, to Los Angeles, California. American, Shastri, Mridula, 24, Oxford, England. The information was compiled by news services from a variety of sources including the airline, relatives and Syracuse University. Richard Monetti, Cherry Hill, N.J., Syracuse group. American, Van Tienhoven, ThomasS Floro, 45, Buenos Aires Argcntina, American, Veidany, Asaad Eidi, 46, Great Neck, Nw York. From 2340:20.5 to 2340:54, the radio altimeter warning tone sounded twice. Approach control responded, "Clipper eight zero six, roger, and Pago weather, estimated one thousand six hundred broken, four thousand broken, the visibility -correction, one thousand overcast. This was the last communication received from Flight 806. American, Fuller, James Ralph, 50, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, America, Giebler, William David, 29, London, England. American, Martin, Noel George, 27, Clapton, England. American, Cummock, John Binning, 38, Coral Gables, Florida. At 2340:42, the aircraft crashed into trees at an elevation of 113 feet, and about 3,660 feet short of the runway threshold. To really get a feel for the cause of this crash, take a look of an excerpt from Robert Gandt's excellent book, Skygods: Another Pacific island. American, Quiguvan, Crisostomo Estrella, 43, London, England. American, Ammerman, Thomas Joseph, 36, Old Tappan, New Jersey. American, Schultz., Thomas Britton, 20, Ridgefield, Conneccticut. PDF/X-3:2002 American, Swire, Flora Margaret, 24, London, England. Irish, Mulroy, Sean Kevin, 25, Lund, Sweden. Air Force Sgt. Jason Coker, Mendham, N.J., Syracuse group. 8, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, American, Owens, Martha, 44, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Pan Am operated the Sikorsky S-36, S-38, S-40 and S-42. In October 1958, the airline's first 707 passenger flight from New York to Paris ushered in the "Jet Set.". No further conversation was recorded by the CVR. American, Rencevicz, Diane Marie, 21, Burlington, New Jersey, American, Roller, Janos Gabor, 29, Hungary. American, Owens, Sarah Rebecca, 14, Cherry Hill, New Jersey . The first impact with the ground was about 236 feet farther along the crash path. May 25 2022. family farm and home chickens. Miriam Luby Wolfe, 20, Severna Park, Md., Syracuse group. American, Stinnett, Stacey Leanny, 9, Duncanville, Texas. Kesha Weedon, New York City, Syracuse group. The list is not an official one, since it is (for some odd reasons) not possible to copy the official microfilm from Pan Am's office files. American, Bouckley, Glen, 27, Liverpool, New York. These two call outs would have been worthy of a reprimand a few years earlier. Family members such as Sopo Sua who lost her grandmother Telinga Tangatauli on the flight. Thus, the Board concludes that the captain recognized the initial effect of the windshear condition and acted to correct the aircraft's flight profile by reducing thrust, but he did not recognize the second effect as windshear condition changed. American (Indian), Reeves, Anita Lynn, 24, Laurel, Maryland. The crash of Flight 806 on the island of Pago Pago brought to ten the number of Pan American 707s destroyed. Lilabeth Macalolooy, 27, Kelsterbach, West Germany. American, Marengo, Louis Anthony, 33, Rochester, Michigan. At the time the sink rate increased to 1,500 the aircraft over an area of lights (known as a "blackhole"), a heavy tropical rainstorm was over the and moving toward approach end of the runway, and the first officer had the runway in sight. or. A full ILS serves runway 5 at Pago Pago. %PDF-1.3 % As the aircraft passed Logotala Hill, it apparently came out of the increasing headwind or updraft condition and the positive performance effect was probably encountered. Update now. Approach Control replied, "'kay, no other reported traffic. The captain had been off flying status from September 5, 1973, to January 15, 1974, for medical reasons. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined the probable cause of the accident was the flight crew's tardy identification of microburst-induced wind shear. One passenger died nine days after the accident. Amcrican, Cawley, Richard Anthony, 43, New York City. American, Fortune, Robrt Gerard, 40, Jackson heights, New York, American, Freeman, Paul Matthew Stephen, 25 London, England. There was a back and forth with the, approach control responding to the arrival, "Clipper eight zero six, roger, and Pago weather, estimated ceiling one thousand six hundred broken, four thousand broken, the visibility - correction, one thousand overcast. Upon further investigation, it became clear that those remains were unidentifiable. This the last communication recorded on the CVR. [2], Nine passengers and one crew member, Third Officer Phillips, survived the initial crash and post-accident fire. Following, as issued yester day, by Pan American World Airways, is a list of the Ameri can passengers and of the crew aboard a Boeing 707 that crashed in the Pacific while flying from Tahiti to . Capt. Michael Stuart, 36, Bethesda, Maryland. Most of the passengers were American citizens. objects in mirror may be closer mandela effect . On January 30, 1974, the Boeing 707 Clipper Radiant crashed on approach to Pago Pago International Airport, killing 87 passengers and ten crew . ", Auckland International Airport (AKL/NZAA), Pago Pago International Airport (PPG/NSTU), Accident investigation report completed and information captured, 1,2 km (0.8 mls) SW of Pago Pago International Airport (PPG) (, AMEND 14 CFR 121.439 TO REQUIRE THAT A CHECK AIRMAN (1) OBSERVE A PILOT AS HE PERFORMS THE THREE TAKEOFFS AND THREE LANDINGS SPECIFIED FOR RECENT EXPERIENCE, AND (2) CERTIFY THAT THE PILOT IS QUALIFIED AND PROFICIENT TO RETURN TO HIS ASSIGNED STATUS. But I think there is more to it than that. He reported the field in sight and said that they were at 140 kts. Belgian, Saraceni, Elyse Jeanne, 20, East London, England. Irish, Concannon, Thomas, 51, Banbury, England. This California farm kingdom holds a key, Six people, including mother and baby, killed in Tulare County; drug cartel suspected, Im afraid for her life: Riverside CC womens coach harassed after Title IX suit, New Bay Area maps show hidden flood risk from sea level rise and groundwater, Who would execute a baby? At 2340:33.5, the first officer interrupted the second warning with, "You're at minimums.". American, Woods, Joe Nathan, 28, Willingboro, New Jersey . American, Berkley, Alistair Davis, 29, London, England. The visibility one zero, light rain shower, temperature seven eight, wind three five zero degrees, one five, and altimeter's two nine eight five.". (Closed - Acceptable Action), AMEND 14 CFR 139.55(B)(2) TO PRESCRIBE MINIMUM LEVELS OF MEDICAL SERVICE PROVISIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE PROVIDED FOR IN ADVISORY CIRCULAR 150/5210.2 TO INSURE THAT MASS CASUALTIES RESULTING FROM AN AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT CAN BE ADEQUATELY HANDLED AND SATISFACTORILY TREATED. American, O'Connor, Daniel Emmett, 31, Boston, Massachusctts. Other factors included poor visibility and a lack of altitude and airspeed callouts by the aircrew. Pan Am was the only operator of the Sikorsky S-42. Pan Am was the main airline user of these amphibious flying boats and the only operator of the S-40 and S-42. No one was alive. Pan Am Express was a brand name for a code sharing passenger feed service operated by other airlines on behalf of Pan American World Airways ( Pan Am ). On January 30, 1974, the Boeing 707 Clipper Radiant crashed on approach to Pago Pago International Airport, killing 87 passengers and ten crew members. French, Browner (Bier), Daniel Solomon, 23, Parod, Israel. Public Interest Journalism funded by NZ On Air, Coconet Sharing Island love, life and laughter, The Adventures of Tinka Lalala and the Magic Moana, TALES OF TIME: The Pan Am Plane Crash of. American, Woods, Chelsea Marie, 10 months, Willingboro, New Jersey. British. 21, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. We had representatives from the French, the British, the Australians, the Japanese, all the consulates. British, Owens, Laura Abigail. The third officer was 43 and had been with the airline since 1966. "What still haunts me today was the smell of burning bodies. Samoa News understands that the Samoan passengers on board the Pan Am flight were on their way from New Zealand to neighboring Samoa. and 10 crewmembers on board with an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan to Pago Pago. This approach to Pago Pago was the first instrument approach the captain had flown in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) since his return to flying status. The last causality of the flight passed away 9 days following due to injuries brought on by the crash. Today marks the anniversary of the Pan American Flight 806 crash in Pago Pago during the 70s. Israeli, Burman, Timothy Guy, 24, London, England. At 23:40:35 the first officer stated "Field in sight" then "Turn to your right" followed by "hundred and forty knots." American, Akerstrom, John David, 34, Medina, Ohio. Iranian, Vrenios, Nicholas Andreas, 20, Washiligton, D C. American, Waido, Janina Jozefa, 61, Chicago, Illinois. They were able to reverse this culture and became one of the safest airlines in the world. American, Coursey, Willis Larry, 40, San Antonio, Texas. Sarah Phillips, Newtonville, Mass., Syracuse group. Although Gaines was scheduled to act as First officer on the flight, he had become ill with Laryngitis and as such was replaced by Third Officer Phillips, who acted as First Officer whilst Gaines stayed in the cockpit in the jumpseat. It appears to me that a common thread in many of these Pan American pilot error accidents was that the captain wasn't as good as he needed to be, and the crew was reluctant to point that out. American, Tsairis, Alexia Kathryn, 20, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, American, Vulcu, Peter, 21, Alliance, Ohio. British, Tanaka, Hidekazu, 26, London, England. But those three categories miss the problem entirely. There were two ceremonies on the beach, one for cremation and one for burial. American, Barclay, Stuart Murrav, 29, Farm Barnard, Vermont .American, Bell, Jean Mary, 44, Windsor, England. AMERICAN SAMOA 30 January 1974 - Pan Am Flight 806 crashed on approach to Pago Pago International Airport, killing all 97 people on board. The Library does not take information requests so all research . Pan Am was the launch customer for the first US passenger jet, the Boeing 707. British, Stinnett, Charlotte Ann, 36, New York City. Indian, Eggleston, Edgar Howard III, 24, Glens Falls, New York. It was supposed to be coming into an approach at the airport to the south of the island and instead found this 10,000-foot mountain in its path on the northwest side. and 10 crewmembers on board with an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan to Pago Pago. Pan Am Flight 806 was an international scheduled flight from Auckland, to California, with intermediate stops at Pago Pago, American Samoa and Honolulu. Mark Tobin, Hempstead, N.Y., Syracuse group. Postaccident flight and ground checks of ILS system, which included the use of a radio theodolite, showed no indication of a system malfunction or out of tolerance condition. We had participants in the investigation trying to save people, but of course, all were fatalities. Argentinian. Sopo joins family and friends of the victims of the Pam Am 806 crash all remembering their loved ones today. The assigned first officer occupied the jump seat. Stacy Stinnett, 9, Wiesbaden, West Germany. American. But the winds before and after do not suggest a micro-burst along their approach path, but the increasing headwind does explain the why the aircraft went above glide path at first. So the body bags were divided, and obviously not everyone in one body bag being burned was a Shinto, and everybody in the ones that were being buried was a French Catholic. At the time, there were no direct flights between Apia and New Zealand and all flights at that time came through Pago Pago with a connecting Polynesian Airlines flight to Apia. Jim MacQuarrie, 55, Kensington, N.H. First Officer Raymond R. Wagner, 52, Pennington, N.J. Understand inbound on the localizer. Although Gaines was scheduled to act as First officer on the flight, he had become ill with Laryngitis and as such was replaced by Third Officer Phillips, who acted as First Officer whilst Gaines stayed in the cockpit in the jumpseat. First was a very diplomatic "You're a little high." An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. West German, Hollister, Katherine Augusta, 20, Rego Park, New York. En route stops included Pago Pago, American Samoa, and Honolulu, Hawaii. British/ Then came "turn to your right," which would have been appropriate since the localizer was offset from centerline. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The aircraft first impacted the ground 236 feet further and plowed through dense vegetation for another 539 feet (164m) before crashing into a three foot high rock wall. American, Smith, Mary Edna, 3l, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Looking at each crash in succession you start to see the CRM improve slightly. American, Fisher, Charles Thomas IV, 34, London, England. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. uuid:dceed17c-8dd2-0848-9548-45f9fde17975 wind is zero three zero degrees at two zero, gusting two five, Required Communications Performance (RCP), Fatalities: 10 of 10 crew, 87 of 91 passengers, Airport (departure): Auckland International Airport (NZAA), New Zealand, Airport (arrival): Pago Pago International Airport, (NSTU) American Samoa. This should be the (un-)complete list of unfornunate passengers aboard Pan Am 103. American, Stevenson, Geraldine Anne, 37, Esher, England. The Safety was unable to determine the reason for this deviation from approach procedures. Sarah Rebecca, 14, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Joe Nathan, 28 Willingboro... Airspeed callouts by the crash of flight 806 crash in Pago Pago,,... For cremation and one for burial our partners use data for Personalised ads and content,. 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pan am 806 passenger list