polish deportation to siberia

In February 1940 the Soviet Union started to deport Poles to exile in Siberia. There were four major deportations: Polish military settlers, policemen and foresters. Families of officers imprisoned in the Soviet Union and Poland, in hiding and abroad. Refugees from German occupied Poland who had not accepted Soviet passports. [13], Initially, the Soviet occupation gained support among some citizens of the Second Polish Republic. ", Deportation: a crime against humanity and a war crime. Most Poles were forced to stay in the Soviet Union. They suffered mass deportations to the gulags.[59]. The cooking was done in a large kitchen situated in the middle. Not finding any arms, the soldiers then gave us a very short time to pack what we could, arrested the whole family, put us on their sleighs and took us to the nearest railway station. People who were thus rewarded were called Osadniki which means Settlers on the new land given to them. That in itself was monstrously hideous, exposing children, women and men to perform their private bodily functions openly. The NKVD deported not just Poles and Balts, but tens of thousands of Jews to Siberia and Kazakhstan between 1939 and 1941. Initially aimed primarily at possible political opponents, by January 1940 the NKVD's campaign was also directed against potential allies, including Polish Communists and Socialists. --4- (S 6/02/Zk)", REPRESJE 1939-41 Aresztowani na Kresach Wschodnich, "Formy, skala i konsekwencje sowieckich represji wobec Polakw w latach 1939-1941", Represje 1939-41 Aresztowani na Kresach Wschodnich, "Ivan Franko National University of L'viv", The establishment of communist regimes in Eastern Europe, 1944-1949 By Norman Naimark, "Wyzwoliciele czy okupanci? This was due to the inhuman condition in which we lived severe frost, hunger, fear, lack of any medical attention and hard work causing all kinds of illnesses. The NKVD and other Soviet agencies asserted their control in 1939 as an inherent part of Luckily, my mother managed to pack enough cooked food, which, with careful rationing, just about lasted long enough till we reached our destination. She hoped we would return to Poland some day. Most of the time we survived on one slice of black bread a day. Obviously, the Jews who survived the horror of the Gulag could feel lucky next to those who were murdered in the German extermination camps. If you have not registered yet, click here to sign up. Some months later we the orphans and civilians were moved to Uzbekistan to a place called Guzar. None survived. People kept their own gardens, with vegetables. (as of 1 April 1941). There we were accommodated in tents (after undergoing more disinfecting procedures when my eyes condition improved considerably), and as the stay prolonged, the Polish authorities in London organised schooling. Following repeatedly impatient loud knocks and shouts to open up, my father opened the front door when a group of Russian solders, with bayonets fixed to their rifles, burst in, ordered arms up, rounded us up and stood us against a wall with rifles pointing at us and searched us for weapons. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not After twelve days, we reached the port of Beira in Mozambique. Find out how you can use this. One day I saw my fathers shirt lying on the floor actually move with crawling lice. deportation of Poles to Siberia. They went by ship to Dar es Salaam and via Kigoma to Mpulunga on Lake Tanganyika, and subsequently they went in groups to Abercorn by lorry. ", The Nazis consulted Moscow to deport the Jews to Siberia. While drilling in The children and the adults were then transported to the North Island, to a town of Pahiatua, where Polish Children's CampPahiatuawas opened in former military barracks. My mother, elder brother and sister were made to work on the surface of the mines, and my brother Gustaf and I, being the youngest two, were forced to attend Russian school, where indoctrination procedure was put in hand. Classes began on September 1, 1942. After the Polish Army had left the Soviet Union, the attitude of the Soviets towards the remaining Poles worsened. 5.1 million or 38% of the population were Polish by ethnicity (wrote Elbieta Trela-Mazur),[11] with 37% Ukrainians, 14.5% Belarusians, 8.4% Jews, 0.9% Russians and 0.6% Germans. My family father Adolf Miluk, mother Anna Miluk (nee Szpula), brothers Alfons and Gustaf, sister Nadzieja and I Helena, were just sitting down to breakfast, when there was a loud and urgent knock on the front door. In due course, my mother and I, along with thousands of other children and their mothers, were moved to Ahvaz on the Persian Gulf. [30] According to Norman Davies,[31] almost half had died by the time the Sikorski-Mayski Agreement had been signed in 1941. For nearly two years following the invasion, the two occupiers continued to discuss bilateral plans for dealing with the Polish resistance during Gestapo-NKVD Conferences until Germany's Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union, in June 1941.[8]. In August 1942, two schools were created, for younger (aged 8-15) and older scouts. [61][62] Their political leaders were kidnapped by the Soviet Union, interrogated under torture and sent to prison after a staged Trial of the Sixteen in Moscow. [9] In this small window of opportunity, Anders' Army was formed, which attracted not only soldiers who had been kept in Soviet camps, but also thousands of civilians, and Polish orphanages with children whose parents had perished in the Gulag. (And that is another moment that has always stayed with me). This meant that all remaining Poles were re-granted Soviet citizenship and received Soviet passports. My brother Alfons, I later learned, went down with typhus, and my mother, who was then near his unit, nursed him to health. More than one million Poles died a slow death in the gulags of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin or on their long and desperate journeys to and from the camps. The Soviets exploited past ethnic tensions between Poles and other ethnic groups living in Poland; they incited and encouraged violence against Poles, suggesting the minorities could "rectify the wrongs they had suffered during twenty years of Polish rule". We were moved further south to Kazakhstan and accommodated in a small mud hut with another Polish family. There, all were divided into several groups and began their education. Most of them were Polish Catholics and there were also some Jews. It was set up in 1942. Young as I was, in my mind I resisted. The demarcation line across the center of Poland was shifted to the east, giving Germany more Polish territory. Some members of the Ukrainian population welcomed the unification with Soviet Ukraine. Exactly 80 years ago, deportations of Poles to Siberia began. According to the proposed legislation, nobody would receive less than PLN 2,400, or 536 Euro. The Red Army had sown confusion among the locals by claiming that they were arriving to save Poland from the Nazis. This invaluable database has details of many of the deported in the 1940s to Russia / Siberia. Nothing looked like Poland, but adults in our camp did their best to emphasize our roots. World War Two: The deportation of Polish refugees to Abercorn camp in Northern Rhodesia. Ornamental Plants - Biennials / Perennials, 303 Squadron: The Legendary Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron - Softcover, Code Name: Zegota Rescuing Jews in Occupied Poland, 1942-1945: The Most Dangerous Conspiracy in Wartime Europe, The Color of Courage: A Boy at War: The World War II Diary of Julian Kulski, No Greater Ally - The Untold Story Of Poland's Forces In World War II, Inside A Gestapo Prison - Letters of Krystyna Wituska 1942-1944, A Homeland Denied: In the Footsteps of a Polish POW. Built with Volusion. [n] The NKVD and other Soviet agencies asserted their control in 1939 as an inherent part of the Sovietization of Kresy. In Northern Rhodesia, 245 evacuees were accepted for permanent residence. This book is a collection of individual stories written by survivors of the Polish genocide during the Second World War. That policy included acts as heinous as the handover by the Soviet NKVD to the Gestapo of some 4,000 German communists and Jews who had taken refuge in the USSR. We were treated like animals. As she was attached to the military, her unit went ahead of us, but she knew that children were being shipped in, so she looked out for every ship arriving in order to find me. Iran and the Polish Exodus from Russia 1942. Polish Deportees Cut Timber in a Siberian Labour Camp, 1940 In September 1939, Germany and Russia invaded Poland and divided it between them. 9539 Joseph Campau We were then moved to some kind of barracks, with blankets hung up to separate family units. The government of Mexico did not finance their staymoney came from the funds of a special Polish-British-American committee. [14] Also, there were pre-war Polish citizens who saw the Soviet NKVD presence as an opportunity to start political and social agitation. I remember my father was so starlted that he dropped the loaf of bread he was slicing. Some had to travel by land to Ashgabat. To relieve ourselves, we had to jump out of the train whenever it stopped. In January 1944, the Polish staff in all East African camps had been reduced. [5], The evacuation of the Polish people from the USSR lasted from March 24, 1942, for one week, and then again from August 10, 1942, until the beginning of September. Among some 14,471 victims were top Polish Army officers, including political leaders, government officials, and intellectuals. I remember it was so cold, that my mothers hair froze to the side of the carriage, and I caught a bad chill and infection in my left ear which resulted in a perforation of my eardrum. This caused particular discomfort and pain in the mornings, because during the night while asleep, my eyelids would become glued to the lower lashes and it was a very long and painful process to prize them apart. The Kenyan port of Mombasa, the Tanganyikan ports Tanga and Dar es Salaam, and the Mozambican ports Beira and Laureno Marques (which is today's Maputo), were the first African stops for the Polish refugees. Camp life was organized, there was a school, scouts, and religious life. In the first stage, more than 30,000 military personnel and about 11,000 children left Krasnovodsk (Turkmen SSR, present-day Turkmenistan) by sea for Bandar Pahlavi. terrified of heights, so it was a nightmare journey for me. This story has been placed in the following categories. Hope came in July, 1941. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites owner is strictly prohibited. [citation needed] In Uganda, the biggest campswhich housed some 6,400 people, including 3,000 childrenwere at Koja (Mukono District by Lake Victoria) and Masindi, Western Uganda. Este sitio web utiliza cookies para mejorar su experiencia. [28] Those refugees who opted out were threatened with repatriation to German-controlled territories of Poland. I remember one day my mother gave me a slice of bread and my eldest brother, who had to work very hard, another. The Soviet Union took over 52.1% of the territory of Poland (circa 200,000km) with over 13,700,000 citizens at the end of the Polish Defensive War. Google Analytics short-term functional cookie used to determine new users and sessions. [60] The events of the late 1940s amounted to a full-scale civil war according to some historians, especially in the eastern and central parts of the country (see: the Cursed soldiers). The Holocaust committed by Nazism against the Jewish people is known worldwide, but the treatment received by that people by the USSR is not. In 1941 Joseph Stalin Many of them, like General Jzef Olszyna-Wilczyski, captured, interrogated and shot on 22 September, were killed during the 1939 campaign. A one-time Amnesty for Polish citizens in the Soviet Union was declared by Stalin. The date was 10th February, 1940 middle of severe winter in north eastern Poland, where I was born. Tribute was paid in the eastern Polish city of Lublin on Sunday to Poles expelled from the former eastern borderlands and deported to Siberia by the Soviet authorities. Transports of scouts, which went to Palestine, were directed to Camp Bashit. It lasted until 16 January 1943, at which point it was effectively revoked. It is a drama that we still remember and which remains an unhealed wound for us to this day, he added. Some children were so weak that they could not get up and queue for the toilet. [citation needed] The Soviets lobbied the Western Allies to recognize the pro-Soviet Polish puppet government of Wanda Wasilewska in Moscow. Only the Communist Party was allowed to exist, with organizations subordinated to it. This was only corrected when I was in my middle 60s. In the event that you consider anything on this page to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please click here. In Ahvaz, "Camp Polonia" was one of the main exit centers for Poles leaving Iran, and the last Ahvaz camp closed in 1945. The train would, from time to time, also stop at stations for coke provisions, where hot water (kipiatok) could be obtained, together with some provisions. There was a mast with a huge Polish flag, and the White Eagle on the gate."[12]. Polish experts lower nation's WWII death toll. Then a special camp for Polish children was built near the village of Balachadi in Jamnagar, Kathiawar, thanks to help of the Maharaja Jam Sahib of Nawanagar (see also Help of Maharaja of Nawanagar for Polish refugees). In January 1948, the Commissioner of the East African Refugee Administration wrote a letter about the deportation of the Polish refugees from the Abercorn camp. Maria Gabiniewicz, one of the refugees, later wrote: "We managed to leave the Soviet Union in the last transport. Note that you need to include Polish characters when searching i.e. After the joint German-Soviet invasion of Poland, it had been assigned to Germany in the treaty on borders and friendship in September 1939. Thousands and thousands of other Poles were strewn from the arctic circle in the north (Archangel) to the extremes of Syberia, European Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgystan, and other places, and set to work, in appalling conditions, felling forest trees, transporting and working timber, or, as my father, working in mines. Members of the NKVD, Stalin's political police, who collaborated with the German Gestapo between the invasion of Poland in September 1939 and the German invasion of Russia on June 22, 1941. Families housed in communal barracks had to endure undescribable living conditions, when people were dying every day from a variety of causes. After the first evacuation, Polish-Soviet relations deteriorated and the Soviet government began arresting Polish officials. In the aftermath of the German and Soviet invasion of Poland, which took place in September 1939, the territory of Poland was divided in half between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The deportation of Poles by the Russians to slave labour camps in the Soviet Union during There were sports teams, a choir and activities groups. A decisive battle was fought on the banks of river Vistula, just outside Warsaw, when, despite being overwhelmingly outnumbered, the Polish forces completely routed and destroyed the Russian army. The MolotovRibbentrop Pact was broken and the new war erupted, the Soviets had already arrested and imprisoned about 500,000 Polish nationals in the Kresy macroregion including civic officials, military personnel and all other "enemies of the people" such as clergy and the Polish educators: about one in ten of all adult males. The eastern half of Poland was annexed by the Soviet Union. [12] By this new and final arrangement often described as a fourth partition of Poland,[2] the Soviet Union secured the lands east of the rivers Pisa, Narew, Bug and San. Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods. Each slice of bread had to be stolen or gotten in any other way. We were required to carry our own baggage, which consisted of one or two blankets, but I was so weak that I found it incredibly hard to cope. The Pogrom of Ludmiwka: a silenced killing of Jews at the hands of communists versttning Context Stavningskontroll Synonymer Bjning. Sandifort,Mary-Ann The forgotten Story of Polish refugees in Zambia, Zambia's Bulletin & Record,June 2015 P20. Buy used: $34.00. The deportation of Jews to Siberia and Kazakhstan between 1939 and 1941. I do not remember the names of towns we went through, but at some point we crossed southern Ural mountains into the southern Asian Russia, the beginning of Syberia. "Polish Refugees in Iran during World War II". And that is why my father was marked down for arrest and deportation to hard labour gulags (forced labour camps) in Russia, as he was considered to be a danger to the Russian nation and as a punishment for his volunteering. -1- [4][6], In 1939, following Nazi German and Soviet attack on Poland, the territory of the Second Polish Republic was divided between the two invaders. She wanted us to go either to India or Africa, as it was closer to Europe. My father, after joining the Polish Army in Russia, was shipped round South Africa to Dalkeith in Scotland, where the 1st Polish Armoured Division was formed under General Maczek, and fought in the Continental campaign. After settling me in, which was on a blanket spread on the sand inside a tent, she had to return to her unit. Feature photo: German and Soviet soldiers fraternizing in Brest, where their forces met during the joint invasion of Poland (colorized photo by Mirek Szponar). On March 19, 1942, General Wadysaw Anders ordered the evacuation of Polish soldiers and civilians who lived next to army camps. Faced with those who claim that Stalin had strategic reasons for allying with Germany in 1939, Snyder added: "in moral discussions of the war, strategic justifications are not usually admitted as legitimate excuses for collaboration with the Nazis. It had a clubroom, a hospital, and a gym. Polish Children's Camp was financed by the government of New Zealand, with help from Polish Government in Exile, based in London. Amazing fact: For some, this grim hardship was a gift, not only of life, but of their humanity. News spread like wildfire through the village, and almost everybody gathered outside our house. But, the Soviet authorities started a campaign of forced collectivisation. It has been seventy years since as many as 2 million Poles were deported against their will to some of the most inhospitable regions in the world: Siberia, Kazakhstan, and parts of Soviet Copyright of content contributed to this Archive rests with the author. Those arrested included Wadysaw Broniewski, Aleksander Wat, Tadeusz Peiper, Leopold Lewin, Anatol Stern, Teodor Parnicki, Marian Czuchnowski and many others. XCLOSE. referenced. At this time, then, we were scattered over three continents and it took a long time, through the Red Cross, before we made contact with each other. [43][44] The Soviet base of support was strengthened temporarily by a land reform program initiated by the NKVD, in which most of the owners of large lots of land were labeled "kulaks" and dispossessed, with their land distributed among poorer peasants. The second wave of deportations by the Soviet occupational forces across the Kresy macroregion, affected 300,000 to 330,000 Poles, sent primarily to Kazakhstan. [56] Pre-war Poland was portrayed as a capitalist state based on exploitation of the working people and ethnic minorities. If we examine the war in terms of the Holocaust, why should Stalin's strategic actions be exempt from moral interrogation?" The first major operation took place on February 10, 1940, with more than 220,000 people sent primarily to far north and east Russia, including Siberia and Khabarovsk Krai. As a result of the Soviet invasion of eastern Poland (as agreed by the Nazis and Soviets in their pact of August 1939), 1.2 million Poles were deported by the Soviets to Siberia and to other remote places in the USSR. Somehow, at some point, my brother Gustaf found me and brought me a piece of bread (his ration for the day I later learned). The over-riding feeling was that of perpetual hunger and fear. Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, 3 million three hundred thousand Jews lived in Poland By 1945 only 300,000 survived. The subscriptions of this blog can only be accessed by its author. This is the synopsis of the documentary: "Well-known fact: Of Polands 3.3 million Jews, only 300,000 survived the Holocaust. Anyone who believes that Stalin's alliance with Hitler is irrelevant to the Holocaust must have answers to such questions". In Chekmenyovs letter, found in the Russian national archive, Molotov's advice is sought on how to answer the German request. [19], The first Polish refugees came to Palestine in summer 1942. February 9, 2020 April 13, 2021. After the hell that we survived, Tehran was a different world. one chamber, the ceiling collapsed on him. There were a lot of accidents, where In addition to sharing information to combat the Polish resistance, the NKVD handed over to the Gestapo Jews who had taken refuge in the USSR. [27] The prisons soon got severely overcrowded, with all detainees accused of anti-Soviet activities. Approximately 250,000 Polish prisoners of war were captured by the USSR during and after the invasion of Poland. Click here to login. The stench was terrible. As a result of the Soviet invasion of eastern Poland (as agreed by the Nazis and Soviets in their [37], Deportations, though, continued in June 1944, around 40,000 soldiers and Polish Underground State officials who refused to join the Soviet-controlled Army were relocated to the most remote areas of the USSR. Cedar, MI 49621-5106. During those three weeks of meandering through Russia, it was well nigh impossible to have a proper wash. ), This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 22:55. The author of this blog is not responsible for the use and purposes that Feedburner gives the data provided. Google Analytics technical cookie used to throttle request rate. The Polish consulates in the USSR issued in-land temporary passports for those being evacuated: These had to be presented at the border crossings in order to proceed. Both Soviet authorities and citizens of the country claimed that since the Polish Army did not fight the Germans, Poles were not entitled to any privileges. One of the lesser-known aspects of that alliance was the policy of anti-Semitism adopted by the Stalin dictatorship. sea and air. Of the survivors, approximately 80% escap The Soviets did not classify Polish military personnel as prisoners of war, but as rebels against the new Soviet government in today's Western Ukraine and West Belarus. Twelve people in total shared one small room. Nowoisiad-Ostrowska depicted quite a sociable image with singing songs in the evening, listening together to the radio in order to be informed about the war in Europe, and doing craftwork with other women in the evenings.[14]. Sovietisation of Poland's Eastern Territories. Bjning Documents Lexikon Collaborative Dictionary Grammatik Expressio Reverso Corporate. [41][42] They began confiscating, nationalising and redistributing all private and state-owned Polish property. Soviet authorities implemented a political regime similar to a police state,[51][52][53][54] based on terror. Immediately after their conquest of eastern Poland, the Soviet authorities started a campaign of sovietization of the newly acquired areas. [21], A Polish woman and her grandchildren at an American Red Cross evacuation camp in, Evacuation of Polish civilians from the USSR in World War II. World War Two: The deportation of Polish refugees to Abercorn "The complex story of Polish refugees in Iran", "Iran and the Polish Exodus from Russia 1942", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Evacuation_of_Polish_civilians_from_the_USSR_in_World_War_II&oldid=1096111774, Articles using infobox templates with no data rows, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Over 30,000 military personnel and about 11,000 children evacuated from March 24 until the first days of April 1942, Over 43,000 military personnel and about 25,000 civilians evacuated by sea from August 10 to September 1, 1942, This page was last edited on 2 July 2022, at 11:09. Yes, even me a child of under 5 years old. If at any time you want to unsubscribe, you only just have to click the link that you will find at the bottom of each newsletter. They were boys and girls aged 14 to 18, who while in Soviet Union were members of a scout organization of the Polish Army. [26] The Soviet NKVD executed about 65,000 imprisoned Poles after being subjected to show trials. A Polish Child's WWII Journey. For some reason that I cannot explain the sight of my brothers face awash with tears has always stayed in my memory. A smaller-scale evacuation to Ashkhabad-Mashhad followed, including the large and final group of civilians. Their migration began was encouraged by local noblemen, often Polish landlords, who wanted to develop their significant land-holdings in the area for agricultural use. The death rate rose even higher than in the gulags. This was in August 1920, and ever since Soon afterward, Moscow began a program of mass deportations of ethnic Poles as well as some Polish Jews, deep into the Soviet interior. MY STORY AS REMEMBERED FROM THE DISTANCE OF. He was rescued by his co-workers who dug him out with their bare hands. It was a hellhungry, sick people, children in rail cars, filled with louse. We were very poor, there were no jobs, kids had their classes in the open, there were no books." My brother Gustaf and I were herded into what became known as. [17][18] In one notorious atrocity ordered by Stalin, the Soviet secret police systematically shot and killed 22,000 Poles in a remote area during the Katyn massacre. Approximately 90% of them were non-Jewish Poles, with most of the remaining ones Jewish. The journey was an inhuman nightmare. After a while we moved to Turkmenistan and then on to Krasnovodsk (now Turkenbashy) a port on the Caspian sea. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. Thousands of Poles took advantage of this, although not all managed to get out, because news did not reach them in time, before Stalin stoped it. However, in 2020, Russian President Valdimir Putin went as far as blaming Poland for starting World War II. POLES DEPORTED TO SIBERIA IN THE YEARS 1940-1945. [29][47] No later than several weeks after the last Polish units surrendered, on October 22, 1939, the Soviets organized staged elections to the Moscow-controlled Supreme Soviets (legislative body) of Western Byelorussia and Western Ukraine. [18] In late 1942 and early 1943, Polish camps in Iran were located at Tehran, Isfahan, Mashhad, and Ahvaz. "In the 1939-1941 period alone, Soviet-inflicted suffering on all citizens in Poland exceeded that of Nazi-inflicted suffering on all citizens. As the forces of Nazi Germany were pushed westward in 1945 in the closing months of the war, Poland's formal sovereignty was re-established by the Soviet-formed provisional government, later renamed as the Provisional Government of the Republic of Poland. In August 1945, the number of Polish refugees in Northern Rhodesia was 3,419, of which 1,227 stayed in camps in the capital Lusaka, 1,431 in Bwana Mkubwa at the Copperbelt,164 in Fort Jameson at the border with Nyasaland, and 597 in Abercorn in the Northern Province. Despite what we have just seen, in 2006 Slawomir Grunberg directed a documentary released by the Jewish Film Institute and titled "Saved by deportation: An unknown odyssey of Polish Jews". Lww University and many other schools were reopened soon, but they were to operate as Soviet institutions rather than continue their former legacy. While in Russia, says Asher Scharf, protagonist of this lively documentary, I thought, Im going to write a book. About the forced marches, the hard labor, the illness and death, the bedbugs that, like the Soviets, were more clever than we gave them credit for. Asher recounts, When I got back to Poland, I realized I had been in heaven., This thesis is very surprising. 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Poland from the funds of a special Polish-British-American committee believes that Stalin 's strategic be... ) and older scouts in my mind I resisted, General Wadysaw Anders ordered the of... Arriving to save Poland from the funds of a special Polish-British-American committee twelve days, we reached the of... Schools were reopened soon, but they were arriving to save Poland from the funds of a special committee... Civilians who lived next to Army camps be exempt from moral interrogation? as was. In exile polish deportation to siberia based in London with all detainees accused of anti-Soviet activities recounts... Not only of life, but of their humanity the outbreak of the deported the... World War II '' another moment that has always stayed in my mind I resisted was by. Soviet institutions rather than continue their former legacy Jews to Siberia and Kazakhstan 1939... 'S House Rules, please click here to sign up German-controlled territories of Poland: the deportation of refugees! Archive, Molotov 's advice is sought on how to answer the German request the Holocaust the deportation of soldiers.

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polish deportation to siberia