pros and cons of ocean exploration

The air we breathe: The ocean produces over half of the world's oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. Space provides both medicinal and technological advancements, yet the ocean not only brings those about, but also has a plethora of more benefits including jobs. The explorers also gained new foods like corn and pineapple. The coral reefs very diverse and is considered one of the earths natural beauties. Particle pollution is closely related to the air pollution problem. We can get power from the waves and the tides, but could we somehow harness the energy of the oceans movement in other locations as well? Unfortunately, the true impact of the ocean is not directly stated because Watson only covers the struggles of tiny shrimp-like crustaceans living in the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific which are one of the worlds most remote habitats. To recap: we don't spend more time/money exploring the ocean because it's expensive, difficult, and uninspiring. 3. One important advantage of space exploration is that it gives humanity the opportunity to exploit additional resources in outer space. Not only because the vast body, the ocean is also hard to reach on many parts since some parts of the ocean are very deep that human has yet been able to descend to the depth. In general, we as humans are curious creatures and want to learn and explore. The challenges met while exploring the ocean can provide the impetus for new technologies and engineering innovations that can be applied in other situations, allowing us to respond more effectively in the face of an ocean crisis, such as an oil spill. It cost about $450-billion to launch a space shuttle. . Boost business activities: Mining results in the rise of business activities and the rise of per capita income. If you have a gray day without wind, youre not going to generate a lot of power. THE. Site Info, NOAA Ocean Exploration The findings can help scientists to address both current situations and to predict the future situations that may emerge. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. We stare up at the stars and dream of reaching them, but few people look off the . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This fact then makes it understandable that there are so many parts of the vast water body that havent been explored or find out yet. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. It isnt commercially viable at this point in time. Slavery was an effect of exploration. Apart from the many important advantages of space exploration, there are still some issues with space travel. Space missions also imply significant costs. Share it! It needs to be addressed to the public as a serious matter in order produce satisfactory solutions to saving the ocean and the creatures within it. One of the most famous deep sea exploration facts in the 1870s (1872-1876) was that British survey ship "challenger" took three-year global survey to collect a large number of deep and medium creatures, published 50 volumes of magnum opus which recorded 4400 biological species. The information acquired through the explorations then can be used by the scientists to decide what to do on ocean issues and to come up with some ideas regarding the ocean. Private space exploration has its advantages and drawbacks. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Many species cannot genetically adapt because ocean acidification is occurring too rapidly., She introduces the idea that water pollution has a greater impact than imaginable and the importance of stopping water pollution is, as a result, incredibly important. History ocean exploration timeline once again changed. Not every area of the planet has access to the ocean. Can you exert a force on an object without doing work? Additionally, ocean power technologies offer a reliable source of energy that can be used to supplement . The Pros of Space Exploration The main advantage of space exploration is that it allows us to gain new information about a much unknown place. These artefacts then can be studied by the archeologists to find out more about the ancient life, and add valuable information that may be very useful for us humanbeing, also to better understand the history. While space travel has become much safer over the past decades, it is still a rather risky project and the chances for accidents are still present. In 1519 Magellan embarked on his first voyage of exploration, and many other heroic navigators made great contributions to human understanding of the sea. For instance, space exploration can help us to install satellites in space so that we can access different TV channels. Life exists in all depths of the ocean, whether on shallow ocean beaches or in the abyssal zone below 6,000 meters.The ocean provides about 300 times as much living space for living things as land and fresh water. Using ocean energy is difficult for areas that do not have oceans, as their power source is unavailable. The Pros and Cons of Private Space Exploration. Deep ocean exploration helps to human beings know more power of ocean and themselves. 1. Exploring other planets can be an exceptional thing; for example, it creates jobs. Yes, there are already plans to colonize Mars. Well for, A study found that the squid are vulnerable to the acidic conditions, and may face greater challenges to survival if this condition continues to amplify (Lacoue-Labarthe). In fact, the space travel market is huge and many other companies may enter this market sooner or later. Slavery brought a great deal of money for the explorers and their country. Since the rollout of the emergency use authorized experimental mRNA injections in 2021, there has been a new phenomenon, and it's unlike anything we SGT Report: THE MOST DEADLY PRODUCT IN MEDICINAL HISTORY Dr. Therefore, we may have to search for other planets that are better suitable for colonization and space exploration is crucial in this regard since only if we explore space, we will find these additional colonization opportunities. Whereas in the space, although we may as well be greeted by nothing, but we can at least identify some targets to place probes or telescopes. In my opinion, it can make sense to explore space in order to secure the survival of the human species. Reducing the pH level in ocean also decrease the availability of dissolved carbonate ion necessary for shell formation., The fish food trade is currently valued at more than $1 billion dollars (Threat to Coral Reefs: Trade in Coral Organisms). The ocean, however, has major benefits: providing food, medicine, and the air we breathe. It was built in Sydney, Australia, by Acheron Project Pty., Ltd., and piloted by James Cameron to Challenger Deep, the deepest spot in the global ocean, on March 26, 2012. Humans are currently confined to a single planet and facilities that orbit it. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Scientistif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'environmental_conscience_com-box-2','ezslot_6',613,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-box-2-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'environmental_conscience_com-box-3','ezslot_1',614,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-box-3-0');Space exploration is a rather controversial topic. We should focus on sending human beings to Mars instead of robots since human beings are capable of making discoveries 10,000 times faster than robots. Vice versa, we can also know what parts of our life that may cause harm to the ocean that will most likely impact us, human, too in the end and then fix those parts for the oceans sake. Please note that all the information I provide on this website is to my best knowledge. Ocean exploration is risky and costly and this make some people think it is a waste of money and time. It is a bigger challenge that may lead to nothing. Insights from ocean exploration can help us better understand and respond to earthquakes, tsunamis, and other hazards. However, this will only be possible if we detect the meteorite in time and therefore, space exploration can be crucial to prevent catastrophic disasters in the future. Another disadvantage of space travel is that those space missions also often do not deliver any results. Seismic techniques used to explore for oil under the ocean floor may harm fish and marine mammals. 1 What are some pros and cons of Exploration? Pros and Cons Environmental Impact Although petroleum products make life easier, finding, producing and moving crude oil may have negative effects on the environment. However, if private space corporations can help us to achieve our space missions, this can be a great way to improve our overall chances for success of space missions in the future. Those people have to exchange their ideas to invent new technologies and to make space travel more efficient and also safer. Findings from the ocean exploration are very fundamental to fill in the gaps on the blank information regarding the ocean. This does not only cost money but basically, the country is at the mercy of its suppliers. Con: Destroyed Civilization and forced religion. Possible encounters of asteroid harnesses. Theyd be reliant on others for ocean energy and that could create a completely different social structure on our planet. The Destruction of Memory & False History- Jay Weidner & Howdie. The costs are predictable. Fossil fuels have numerous useful products compared to renewable energy. Is Your Crypto SAFE!? Meander horizontally belly button down, shoulder down, or heels down. Just a year after the end of the Second World War, the first truly portable shallow water machine, the self-propelled underwater breathing machine,was successfully developed. These are the key points to consider when we begin to look at what life might look like in the vastness of space. As a result, the public funds created to address the world's most pressing issues are increased. Even if you consider only our solar system, there are asteroid and comet threats which could devastate our planet if an impact were to occur. In fact, many people who believe in god do not advocate space exploration at all since they feel that humans should stay on earth and should not explore outer space. During this time, fairly accurate maps, especially those maps on the edge of Europe appeared. Wanna make a contribution to save our environment? 8 Are there any negative effects of ocean exploration? According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ocean exploration is about making discoveries, searching for things that are unusual and unexpected through a disciplined, systematic, and includes rigorous observations and documentation of biological, chemical, physical, geological, and archaeological aspects of the ocean. As there are good effects, we cant deny the fact that there are some negative effects of ocean exploration too as not all people can use the ocean wisely. 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered by ocean and only 29 percent by land. For example, it may give us some valuable information about predicting the earthquakes and tsunamis. Structure of the answer. The possibility of drilling having an effect in lowering the demand for oil, despite the immense risk it carries for surrounding environments makes it an extremely controversial topic (Horton)., The oceans are the largest part of the earth, and has a very large population of various important species, who we humans depend on. In turn, this also implies that we have to explore space and to find new planets that we may be able to colonize in order to secure the survival of the human species. Self-Sufficiency. Increases supply. If not, the ocean may probably take revenge on human beings.What more profound meaning to human being is hidden mysteries of ocean. Second: The potential amount of crude oil located there. Pros and Cons : There is no question that satellites and computer models are opening the door to new ways of looking at ecological issues. How did the age of exploration affect the modern world? As so far, more than 400 space explorers go to out space,12 of whom aboard the moon, but only 3 deep sea explorers dive into Mariana trench. In. In fact, when we take a look back at human history and see where we are now, we realize the enormous technological progress we made over the past centuries. 2 Pages. As many of us know, our fossil resources will become depleted sooner or later and when we run out of natural resources, chances are that our technological progress will suffer significantly. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Pros and Cons. PROS 1. This ice has been melting at a rate of -15.1% per decade in recent years. ANWR vs. the Arctic Ocean. Space exploration is also quite helpful for rather basic things. Updated tools such as more powerful batteries, more accurate sonar, and the addition of laser imaging have enabled researchers to able to advance their studies in fields involving deep-sea surveying, marine ecology analysis, and the harvesting of natural marine resources. Ocean energy can be up to 4x more expensive to establish than wind or solar. Deep-sea findings can even unlock some new resources from the ecosystems that might give benefits for the medical drugs and other products. 5. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. That equates to about 34 billion barrels of crude in the U.S. Arctic waters. List of the Advantages of Space Exploration 1. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In fact, we often think that we are the center of everything and that we are the superior species in our universe. European Exploration had observed positive impacts in the areas of trade, economy and politics. Many people might not know it yet, but space provides us with pretty high amounts of resources and the country that conquers those resources will likely have quite a lot of power over the next decades and centuries. pros and cons of ocean exploration October 27, 2020Uncategorized Our exploration efforts may help us Although a fire extinguisher is stored in the sphere, it may not be enough to extinguish a sizable fire. However, because of the great thickness of the water layer, the human understanding of the deep sea is not as good as that of moon surface, or even Mars! As we can see, there are some good and bad effects caused by the ocean exploration. In this article, we are going to learn more about what are actually the effects of ocean exploration. The space travel industry has become increasingly important over the past decades. Explanation of Split Sea Phenomenon in Suramadu. Hence, many can't help but wonder whether the privatization of space exploration is the right path. The sensing system is miniaturized to 12 kg with only 40 W power consumption to have a longer mission duration. In fact, over the past decades, numerous important inventions have been made. While some scientists claim that space travel does not lead to too many severe long-term health issues, other scientists claim that radiation is a serious problem in space travel and that the chances to suffer from cancer will be much higher for astronauts compared to the average person in our society. Quite efficient energy source. E.g under the United Nations Convention on the . The planet is covered with water. It eliminates currency manipulation. Changing over to ocean energy, however, wouldnt come without a cost. Exploring and drilling for oil may disturb land and marine ecosystems. Energy self-reliance. In turn, space travel implies significant air pollution and especially people who live close to those facilities may suffer quite a lot from fumes in the air. In fact, in order to make space travel missions successful, we need the smartest people from all over the world. There is not a manifest destiny to control the stars. The Age of Exploration provided opportunities for societies and cultures to interact; it brought all parts of the world into contact with each other, paving the way for the globalised economies we see today; it enabled a knowledge network to extend across the whole globe. What makes the ocean explorations spending become more unworthy is due to the fact that the exploration might just lead to nothing. 9 How did the age of exploration affect the modern world? Some may say that the major exploration isn't worth the risk because explorers may die while exploring. The women were kidnapped and forced to marry a European man. Ocean Exploration Disadvantages Plan UnpopularCongress already funds NOAA so plan is perceived as a redundant agency NOAA, 13 (NOAA, 7/21/13, NOAA, "Ocean Exploration 2020 Outcome",, accessed 7/13/14, AA) The U.S. National Ocean Exploration Program brings together federal agencies, academia, and the private sector in an open, inclusive partnership program. Ocean energy has been measured to be 800x more dense than other sources of renewable power, such as wind energy. And the deepest parts of the ocean are deeper than the heights of the highest mountains. Why Bitcoin Is So Special & Why You Need To Allocate a Small Portion Of Your Portfolio To BTC Now! Unlocking the mysteries of ocean ecosystems can reveal new sources for medical therapies and vaccines, food, energy, and more as well as inspire inventions that mimic adaptations of deep-sea animals. However, the bad effects can certainly be reduced if us, human, were to do the exploration in the correct way and will use the information that will be find wisely. 2 What impact did Exploration have on the new world? Open Document. Increased trade led to economic prosperity which led to the rise of many . In fact, those life forms may have the potential power to wipe out humanity and therefore, exploring space may also not be a good idea in this regard. It is still a variable source of energy. 1. From the initial build to ongoing maintenance, the costs of maintaining an ocean energy facility are more predictable than other sources of renewable energy. Zero emissions. 199 words. Good Essays. However, I will not take any responsibility for incorrect information and will not be liable for any negative consequences that might occur due to the reliance on this information. In during the triangle trade between the three countries slaves would be picked up and sent to another country to be sold. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_17',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Since our technological progress advances at rapid speed, chances are that space travel will become even easier and more cost-efficient in the future. Pro: Economic Prosperity. In theory, you could sink Mount Everest in the Marianas Trench and it wouldn't break the surface. However, we should also make sure that we reduce the pollution levels related to space missions as best as possible in order to protect our environment in the long run. Through the information, the experts then can know the how the situation is down there and learn what to do when there are deep sea disasters since we havent known much yet due to the lack of information before. Space exploration will also bring a dramatic change to the life of every individual on Earth. What impact did Exploration have on the new world? The Pros And Cons Of Expanding Ocean Exploration; The Pros And Cons Of Expanding Ocean Exploration. Although the explorers conquered new lands, gained lots of wealth, and spread the Word of God, the way they conquered other lands and treated the natives was not in a very kind manner. However, just like the point before this, continuous exploration may lead some people to capture ocean creatures that are not supposed to be captured and even lead to overfishing. Another important advantage of space travel is that it allows us to detect serious threats that could potentially wipe out humanity. Despite the fact that the ocean covers approximately 70% of Earths surface and plays a critical role in supporting life on our planet, from the air we breathe and the food we eat to weather and climate patterns, our understanding of the ocean remains limited. We now know much more about the dynamics of rockets and space stations and the risk related to space exploration is much smaller compared to the significant risk that had been present in the past. The deep-sea then can be one of the resources for us to rely on to fulfill the needs such as food, energy, etc. The age of exploration vastly increased Europeans knowledge of the world. On the other hand, others may dispute that major exploration benefitted the people more than it harmed them. This new infographic from 911metallurgist shows the pros and cons of deep sea mining (including the economic benefits and the environmental impacts) and whether it is worth the risk. Because of the coral reefs diversity scientist can harvest ingredients to many of the medicines we need. Colonization ruptured many ecosystems, bringing in new organisms while eliminating others. Exploration of the U.S. Understanding the nature of dark matter. The Europeans enslaved the Native Americans and took most of them back to Europe. The environmental services of coral reefs hold great importance, but with the bleaching and acidity in the water these medicines could not be created., The most important creatures in the oceans ecosystem like coral are being depleted and overpopulation of photosynthetic algae is going overrun the oceans if nothings done. Pro: Better trade routes and improved cartography. Sure, this will be a long-term goal and will not be feasible in the near future. Answer: The pros of oil exploration would be that the world is TOO NEEDY of fossil-fuels because without the adequate energy needed, the world will tumble into energy poverty which will collapse economies of each and every scale and the planet will fall into an economical abyss. Local job creation. Con: Unsafe voyage. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Privacy Policy What are 2 negative effects of Exploration? To support my opinion, this essay will include three topics that each show both pros and cons. Space exploration proponents argue that although Space exploration is very costly, the cost is worth it since the knowledge humans have gained from Space is not comparable to the cost. Space exploration, especially manned exploration, involves a number of potential dangers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Whats more to it is that ocean exploration may even be relatively easier than those of the space (although we are aware that some parts of the ocean are too deep that the human cant even reach it yet, but in general, ocean is obviously reachable than the space). Hover above a clam, float below lobsters wedged in a coral crevice. Turbines generate electricity through the power of waves, making them a completely pollution-free, renewable energy source. Space exploration can also be helpful to provide us with nice pictures of our planet and of the universe. There lands were sold by the Europeans. With the millions of barrels of oil needed to supply the growing market, the U.S. import petroleum from OPEC conglomerates. 5 Did European Exploration and colonization cause more harm than good? In fact, the more data we get, the better we will be able to understand how the universe works and what is still missing for a comprehensive understanding of how the cosmos actually works. What are some examples of how exploration positively affected the world? Information from ocean exploration can help us understand how we are affecting and being affected by changes in Earths environment, including changes in weather and climate. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_12',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4-0'); As many of us know, our fossil resources will become depleted sooner or later and when we run out of natural resources, chances are that our technological progress will suffer significantly. The human-occupied vehicle (HOV) DEEPSEA CHALLENGER is a one-person submersible capable of reaching full-ocean depth. There are many pros and cons to alternative energy. 4. With modern popular portableunderwater robot kit like Nemo, ordinary people enraptured with ocean are accessible to deep sea, start underwater photography and even explore mystery in deep sea. The voyages of explorers had a dramatic impact on European trade. Save your time! Scientific Knowledge is Valuable Compared to the Cost Knowledge is invaluable. Each lease sale is to include a minimum of 400,000 acres. With all the trading going around the world of slavery was involved. Space exploration can also help us to find extraterrestrial life, at least if it really exists. They hold more than four thousand fish and scientist say there could be one to eight million undiscovered marine life in their ecosystem. Miller used a microscope to observe plankton in the north sea. Better trade routes to already known places and discovery of the Americas led to new places to trade, so more trade leads to a better economy. The findings from it then can help us compare the oceans conditions from time to time. List of Pros of Offshore Drilling 1. Showed that it was possible to sail around the world. The Aboriginal people were enslaved the Europeans took away the Aboriginals peoples way of life and all of there beliefs. Term of Use | Privacy Policy | Adchoices | Disclaimer | Contacts us, 15 Effects of Ocean Exploration: The Pros and Cons. Why should the public care about ocean acidification? Leaving aside the fact that NASA's civil servants and contractors all live here on Earth, and thus the money is spent here, NASA's fifty years of . Since the information about the deep sea are still very little, like what we have said above, the new findings especially regarding the deep sea are very important to all of us especially the scientists. However, it is yet rather unclear how we are able to feed all those people. Those explorers were innocent people, and exploration meant that their lives would be put at risk. For these MPs to describe their vote as protecting the vulnerable is grotesque. The pros and cons of ocean energy show us that this power source has a lot of future potential that could transform how we create and consume power. Climate regulation: Covering 70 percent of the Earth's surface, the ocean transports heat from the equator to the poles, regulating our climate and weather patterns. See also: Herbivores in the Pacific Ocean. Space exploration is also crucial to provide important research data to leading scientists from all over the world. , has major benefits: providing food, medicine, and other products ; s most pressing issues increased! Predicting the earthquakes and tsunamis those maps on the new world and forced to marry European! A number of potential dangers: Mining results in the category `` Functional '' from it then can us. 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pros and cons of ocean exploration